The Famous and now rare New Zealand Kauri
The New Zealand Kauri (agathis australis) from which our exquisitely crafted pieces are made, grow in Northland New Zealand. Most of the Kauri was felled in the last
century. At present only .3% of the forests remain.
The main trunk was the most valuable part of the tree and was used for shipbuilding, building and furniture. Much was exported. Stumps and heads were usually discarded and were burnt or left to rot. Material for our produces are made from these 'waste' parts which was retrieved from hills and valleys around the north.
Some timber was retrieved from swamps where whole forests were buried as a result of natural processes. Kauri found in different swamps has been carbon dated older than 45,000 years. The length of time that the wood has been in the water has caused staining and petrifaction which has contributed to the unique patterns and colours. The wood is often found in excellent condition. This demonstrates its ability to endure.
This timber was slabbed by chainsaw and carried out by hand. It was then seasoned for a minimum of two years before turning. The wood is then selected according to colour and pattern. Greg then has the responsibility to fashion it to reveal its own unique character.
Our pieces has been crafted to a high standard before the final process of polishing occurs. A natural preparation of beeswax and oils is used to achieve the final lustre.
Caring for our article will retain their present natural beauty. The colour may even improve with age. To retain the natural beauty of this article try to avoid direct sunlight. Regularly wipe over with a beeswax polish or furniture oil.